About Us - The Clarks' . . . .

Our Story:  

Greenway Beef was started as a way to gain control over the quality product they were producing.  Instead of shipping their cattle to feed lots thousands of miles away where they would be forced in to crowded dirt lots for finishing, the Clarks’ ventured out of the norm for the area and started keeping the calves at home. 

The yearling cattle were allowed to graze in open pastures, in fields where they had been born.  The stress of travel, separation from familiar surroundings and potential exposure to disease had been eliminated from their life.

Why Greenway:

Greenway was chosen as a name to represent the way the cattle are raised.  The Clarks’ adhere to strict production standards.  Cattle are handled in a safe and humane manner throughout their lives.  The cattle are never confined.  Each animal is given the opportunity to graze without over use of the land. 

Rotational grazing practices ensure that the cattle have access to fresh, quality forages.  Grass feeding is the key not only to animal health but also to the quality, taste, and nutritional value of their meat which is free of antibiotics and hormones.

Winter Forage:

Mike Clark with his wife Cindy and son Andrew

Mike Clark with his wife Cindy explain to their son Andrew  the benefits of raising their own summer annual grasses for forage. These grow well in the hot Virginia summer climate. They are harvested and stored in air tight plastic wrap for use in winter feeding.

Mike has given presentations to other farmers on raising and processing this type of forage system.  He has helped many local farmers switch to this method of production.  Clark Farms also sells this type of forage to other farms throughout the state.

Retail Center:

Warehouse Retail Center

New warehouse and retail center located on our farm.

4-H Livestock Projects:

Andrew with his show cow Fawn

Andrew Clark with his show winning heifer 'Fawn'  Andrew shows cattle in local and state shows as part of his 4-H Livestock projects. At Clark Farms we are proud to be a supporter of 4-H youth activities in our area.
